Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is typically a set of symptoms, both physical and cognitive, that follow a traumatic event. While there is a vast range of symptoms, those of PTSD tend to be rather disruptive to one’s everyday life.
We were designed to heal. We do not have to live with the debilitating effects of these symptoms. I had a teacher once say that it should be called PTS because it really isn’t a disorder, it is a perfectly understandable response to trauma.
I have to say I agree.
How can CranioSacral Therapy Help?
CranioSacral Therapy addresses a wide range of symptoms one may be experiencing as a result of their trauma. With its ability to balance the central nervous system and improve functioning of the brain and spinal cord, this gentle therapy can greatly impact those that may have experienced whiplash, spinal injuries, concussions and even traumatic brain injuries. As this work was being developed, Dr. John Upledger had the experience that as our physical tissues released, sometimes emotions surfaced along with it that were present at the time of the original insult or injury. He further developed techniques to support the individual working through these experiences and called it SomatoEmotional Release. For more information, please see my SomatoEmotional Release page.
How do we recover?
It has been my personal and professional experience that it takes multiple practitioners to help one person recover. We can work together to help you unlock your tissues and restore functioning of your body and your mind. From here you will want to seek additional support in processing what we discover. Further support can come in the form of multihands treatments in my office, counseling from a licensed professional, physical therapy or other types of body centered therapy. For those suffering from more complex cases of Post traumatic stress, Therapy programs rooted in CranioSacral Therapy are available.
What is a Therapy Program?
This is where CranioSacral Therapy integrates multiple modalities of treatment in a 5-day program that effectively and profoundly facilitates healing. The participant in a Therapy program will receive approximately 20 hours of hands on modalities in these 5 days. They are typically held in locations that are away from your everyday life to allow the space for processing what comes up. Sometimes there are specialized programs for specific populations such as Veterans of War or Pediatric Programs. See the videos below of testimonials of those that have experienced a therapy program.
We were designed to heal. We do not have to live with the debilitating effects of these symptoms. I had a teacher once say that it should be called PTS because it really isn’t a disorder, it is a perfectly understandable response to trauma.
I have to say I agree.
How can CranioSacral Therapy Help?
CranioSacral Therapy addresses a wide range of symptoms one may be experiencing as a result of their trauma. With its ability to balance the central nervous system and improve functioning of the brain and spinal cord, this gentle therapy can greatly impact those that may have experienced whiplash, spinal injuries, concussions and even traumatic brain injuries. As this work was being developed, Dr. John Upledger had the experience that as our physical tissues released, sometimes emotions surfaced along with it that were present at the time of the original insult or injury. He further developed techniques to support the individual working through these experiences and called it SomatoEmotional Release. For more information, please see my SomatoEmotional Release page.
How do we recover?
It has been my personal and professional experience that it takes multiple practitioners to help one person recover. We can work together to help you unlock your tissues and restore functioning of your body and your mind. From here you will want to seek additional support in processing what we discover. Further support can come in the form of multihands treatments in my office, counseling from a licensed professional, physical therapy or other types of body centered therapy. For those suffering from more complex cases of Post traumatic stress, Therapy programs rooted in CranioSacral Therapy are available.
What is a Therapy Program?
This is where CranioSacral Therapy integrates multiple modalities of treatment in a 5-day program that effectively and profoundly facilitates healing. The participant in a Therapy program will receive approximately 20 hours of hands on modalities in these 5 days. They are typically held in locations that are away from your everyday life to allow the space for processing what comes up. Sometimes there are specialized programs for specific populations such as Veterans of War or Pediatric Programs. See the videos below of testimonials of those that have experienced a therapy program.
Pre & Post Transformation Videos
Here are some videos of people talking about their experience with the therapy programs.
Karen Henderson
April Griffin
Ray Nelson
Some of the more profound work that I have experienced both personally and professionally would be dolphin facilitated therapy. While unconventional, it is rather effective at restoring the individual and be a crucial part of one's healing process.
Additional therapy program INformation & dates
If you're interested in participating in one of the comprehensive therapy programs in the future, please sign up below to receive updates on upcoming dates.