What is Craniosacral therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands on technique of working with the Dura Mater, which is the thick connective tissue that lines the inside of the skull and spinal column. This tissue is essentially the sack that contains the cerebral spinal fluid which supports your brain and spinal cord. Simply put, the craniosacral system is the home of your central nervous system.
Tension in this system can contribute to both physical and cognitive dysfunction as it creates strain on the brain and spinal nerves and can be the result of physical injury, concussion, traumatic birthing process for either mother or child, emotional stress and PTSD. This therapy is especially potent because it treats the core of your nervous system (the central nervous system) as well as the core of your structure (the spine and skull).
CranioSacral Therapy can effectively
reduce symptoms of:
Somatoemotional release (SER)
SomatoEmotional Release is a therapeutic process that expands on the principals of CranioSacral Therapy. It has been found that the residual effects of trauma can greatly impact the level of tension in the dural membranes, or CranioSacral system, as well as the overall health and well-being of the individual. SomatoEmotional Release can help the individual identify where and how suppressed emotions can be inhibiting their structures and functioning. For more information or to book an SER session, please refer to the SomatoEmotional Release page on this site.
Adult service pricing & scheduling
Susie is now having to limit her practice to allow clients to be seen in a timely manner. Some adults may be taken on a case by case basis, please call the office or contact me to inquire. You may also look here for a list of other practitioners providing craniosacral therapy that I am connected to.
What does a craniosacral or ser session look like?A light touch is applied to the craniosacral system through the hips, spine/torso, neck and head while the individual is resting on a treatment table. CranioSacral Therapy is applied through the clothes, so please wear loose and comfortable clothing for the session. Sessions last approximately one hour and talking or remaining quiet is completely up to the individual. Susie is happy to explain the techniques being applied while she works and welcomes feedback as to what the client is experiencing within their body as the session goes on.
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