Susie has chosen to utilize her background as an educator and experience as an Upledger teaching assistant to become a certified Presenter and Study Group Leader. She has found this to be a wonderful opportunity to deepen her skills as well as widen her network of fellow therapist. Introduction Classes, Study Groups and Private instruction with a client are available, see below for more information.
If you would like to be notified of upcoming events, please subscribe below.
Introduction to CranioSacral Therapy $300
This two-day class is designed for licensed professionals by the Upledger institute so they may incorporate some basic assessment and treatment techniques into their existing practice. It has been found over many years of practice that coupling CranioSacral therapy with other modalities such as Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, speech therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture and other bodywork modalities can greatly bolster results. Suitable for Physicians, Nurses, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Lactation Consultants, Doulas, Midwives, Dentists, Massage Therapists or other Bodyworkers. 12 CEU's will be provided. Class will start at 9:30am and will end between 4:30 and 5pm. Lunch break will be approximately 1pm and please allow for some flexibility in start and ending times.
This two-day class is designed for licensed professionals by the Upledger institute so they may incorporate some basic assessment and treatment techniques into their existing practice. It has been found over many years of practice that coupling CranioSacral therapy with other modalities such as Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, speech therapy, chiropractic, acupuncture and other bodywork modalities can greatly bolster results. Suitable for Physicians, Nurses, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Lactation Consultants, Doulas, Midwives, Dentists, Massage Therapists or other Bodyworkers. 12 CEU's will be provided. Class will start at 9:30am and will end between 4:30 and 5pm. Lunch break will be approximately 1pm and please allow for some flexibility in start and ending times.
Friday and Saturday 9:30a-5:00pm
May 2 & 3, 2025
May 2 & 3, 2025
This class provides an opportunity for anyone to learn how to apply a few basic techniques to loved ones to support each other's health and healing at home. This course that will introduce you to various systems of the body and allow for practice time of the simple techniques demonstrated. This is ideal for parents or caregivers of children as well as caregivers for adults. There will be three classes over the course of 2025 and each course can be taken individually or as the whole series. Each class will cover different systems of the body and have guest speakers delivering valuable information and techniques
This class provides an opportunity for anyone to learn how to apply a few basic techniques to loved ones to support each other's health and healing at home. This course that will introduce you to various systems of the body and allow for practice time of the simple techniques demonstrated. This is ideal for parents or caregivers of children as well as caregivers for adults. There will be three classes over the course of 2025 and each course can be taken individually or as the whole series. Each class will cover different systems of the body and have guest speakers delivering valuable information and techniques
Saturday, April 12, 2025
Additional 2025 dates for series coming soon!
Overview of CranioSacral Therapy
In this presentation, professionals may learn more about the history and theory of CranioSacral Therapy and the Holistic approach. This is ideal for offices and staff wanting to learn more before referring patients or taking CranioSacral Classes with the Upledger Institute. This presentation can be adapted for offices wanting to learn some basic techniques to incorporate into practice for staff in service/education. Please contact the office if you are interested. Cost and duration to be determined upon request.
In this presentation, professionals may learn more about the history and theory of CranioSacral Therapy and the Holistic approach. This is ideal for offices and staff wanting to learn more before referring patients or taking CranioSacral Classes with the Upledger Institute. This presentation can be adapted for offices wanting to learn some basic techniques to incorporate into practice for staff in service/education. Please contact the office if you are interested. Cost and duration to be determined upon request.
Private STUDY
Mentoring With Susie
In these sessions, practitioners studying CranioSacral Therapy may come together for additional practice, come alone for individualized learning or bring a client that you would like insight on from an advanced practitioner. These sessions with Susie offer a unique opportunity for healing for the client and/or learning for the practitioner(s). Attendees split the instruction cost at their discretion. Please book a 90 minute mentoring session for the client to receive one hour of work or a two hour mentoring session for the client to receive 90 minutes of work. This will allow space for additional discussion. Three hour sessions are best suited for 2-3 practitioners wanting focused study with Susie or for a practitioner and client to do an SER session.
In these sessions, practitioners studying CranioSacral Therapy may come together for additional practice, come alone for individualized learning or bring a client that you would like insight on from an advanced practitioner. These sessions with Susie offer a unique opportunity for healing for the client and/or learning for the practitioner(s). Attendees split the instruction cost at their discretion. Please book a 90 minute mentoring session for the client to receive one hour of work or a two hour mentoring session for the client to receive 90 minutes of work. This will allow space for additional discussion. Three hour sessions are best suited for 2-3 practitioners wanting focused study with Susie or for a practitioner and client to do an SER session.
90 minute mentoring session: $175
Study groups for 2025
If you have taken an Upledger CranioSacral Therapy class or Introduction to CranioSacral Therapy with Susie Roman, you are invited to join us for the study groups listed below. There are topics listed, but please feel free to come with your own concepts to explore. We will now have two study groups each month!! Due to your feedback that Saturdays are not easy for some of you to join us, we will be adding a Tuesday evening group as well.
Saturdays 10:30 AM - 1:30PM
Tuesdays 5p-8pm.
All study groups will be held at
Kinetikos Healing Collective
401 Arkansas Steet
Lawrence, KS 66044
The cost is $55/student. Please register early, it sure helps me plan! If you would like to come and have not registered, please still come, just send along a text, email or click the contact me button below, we would love to have you join us.
Saturdays 10:30 AM - 1:30PM
Tuesdays 5p-8pm.
All study groups will be held at
Kinetikos Healing Collective
401 Arkansas Steet
Lawrence, KS 66044
The cost is $55/student. Please register early, it sure helps me plan! If you would like to come and have not registered, please still come, just send along a text, email or click the contact me button below, we would love to have you join us.
If you are planning on attending a CranioSacral Study Group Session or have attended one in the past, please join me in the Lawrence CranioSacral Study Group on Facebook!
This group has been made specifically for study group members to have a place to further discuss CST, connect with each other for trading and further study, or to organize group learning sessions.
This group has been made specifically for study group members to have a place to further discuss CST, connect with each other for trading and further study, or to organize group learning sessions.
Concussions are a hot topic these days. When to treat, when not to treat, what to look for and be aware of are all important pieces of information to have as a CranioSacral Therapist. The information available in this study group has been distilled down from Marianne Sisco, developer and teacher of the concussion course offered through the Upledger Institiute. Come join us Tuesday evening VIA ZOOM to ask your questions and engage in discussion of each other's experience working with concussions. REDUCED COST FOR THIS STUDY GROUP $33.33
Tuesday 1/14/2025
Tuesday 1/14/2025
Still want access to the recorded presentation?
Press the button above to let me know you would like access!
I will send you an invoice for $33.33
Once the invoice is paid, you will get a link to the recording and it will be accessible until 2/28/2025
Press the button above to let me know you would like access!
I will send you an invoice for $33.33
Once the invoice is paid, you will get a link to the recording and it will be accessible until 2/28/2025
SER Recorded presentation and live demo
Some of you will be fresh out of SER1 class or CST1 class that was recently presented in St. Louis. These classes have a lot of information to download and grasp so this month we are allowing for you to come watch a live demo to support you integrating this new information into your practice. We will also have a recorded presentation reviewing anatomy and highlighting information that Susie finds most helpful in her everyday practice of SER. Recorded presentation will be available for those who have completed SER1 and above. Live demo is open to all study group members as we would like you to have the opportunity to see where this work can go!
Saturday 2/8/2025
Tuesday 2/11/2025
Saturday 2/8/2025
Tuesday 2/11/2025
Case Study month
This month we will have a current client of Susie come join us for our study group so you may all get an opportunity to work with a complex presentation with guidance. Since half of our attendees have taken SER classes and above, one will be dedicated to SER and one to CST. We will treat together and have discussion and anyone is allowed at either study group for observation regardless of level of Upledger course taken (ex: you do not have to have taken SER classes to come observe in the SER focused case study). Time is not available for trades when we host a guest for a case study
SER focused Saturday 3/8/2025
CST for TBI Tuesday 3/11/2025
SER focused Saturday 3/8/2025
CST for TBI Tuesday 3/11/2025
Straight from the Man himself!
Dr. John Upledger has published so many videos on his work and I have invested in nearly all of the produced footage. I find it so enlightening to watch him teach his own material as he offers insight and experience our current instructors simply cannot. For this month's study group, I will be showing clips of Dr John discussion and demonstrating some of the most useful techniques he developed as well as the associated anatomy and physiology. To hear this man discuss cranial base dysfunctions put it all in perspective for me and I will hopefully facilitate that for all of you this month.
Tuesday 4/15/2025
Saturday 4/19/2025
Tuesday 4/15/2025
Saturday 4/19/2025
Connecting to our inner wisdom through sound!
Oh I am so excited for this month's study group!
We will be taking a field trip out to Harmony Farms for an experience like no other! The inner wisdom is a foundational principle of CranioSacral Therapy. We know as craniosacral therapists that this inner wisdom is present within all of us, is there guiding and directing our functions and is present in every single cell. Learning how to connect with that and how to listen can be a transformational process. It is also very common for us to be tuned out of hearing our inner wisdom. Past experiences can actually contribute to the blocking of this inner voice. These blocks physically manifest in our tissues, limiting movement, cellular functioning and vibration. With the help of a very talented sound healing practitioner, Dr. Paul Rudy, we will be utilizing sound as a way to bring vibration into our bodies, moving what is stagnant and tuning into what needs to be heard. We will meet at the office, our regular location for study groups, and caravan and carpool out to Harmony Farms from there. We will leave promptly at 10:30a so please arrive early to get organized to head out on time. We will have a brief discussion of the inner wisdom as it relates to this sound healing experience, have a group sound healing session, and then trade sessions to experience this deeper connection to our inner wisdom first hand. You will not want to miss this opportunity.
Saturday, May 17, 2025
Cost of this study group will be raised to $85 to accommodate payment for your sound healing session
There will be no Tuesday meeting this month
We will be taking a field trip out to Harmony Farms for an experience like no other! The inner wisdom is a foundational principle of CranioSacral Therapy. We know as craniosacral therapists that this inner wisdom is present within all of us, is there guiding and directing our functions and is present in every single cell. Learning how to connect with that and how to listen can be a transformational process. It is also very common for us to be tuned out of hearing our inner wisdom. Past experiences can actually contribute to the blocking of this inner voice. These blocks physically manifest in our tissues, limiting movement, cellular functioning and vibration. With the help of a very talented sound healing practitioner, Dr. Paul Rudy, we will be utilizing sound as a way to bring vibration into our bodies, moving what is stagnant and tuning into what needs to be heard. We will meet at the office, our regular location for study groups, and caravan and carpool out to Harmony Farms from there. We will leave promptly at 10:30a so please arrive early to get organized to head out on time. We will have a brief discussion of the inner wisdom as it relates to this sound healing experience, have a group sound healing session, and then trade sessions to experience this deeper connection to our inner wisdom first hand. You will not want to miss this opportunity.
Saturday, May 17, 2025
Cost of this study group will be raised to $85 to accommodate payment for your sound healing session
There will be no Tuesday meeting this month
CST Prep and Review
The Upledger Institute is returning to the Kansas City area June 26-29th. There is always prep work and information to be aware of BEFORE entering any level of CST course including CST 1. In this months study group we will be going over what you need to know before advancing onto the next level of CST. This course will be a great review and as well as opportunity to give and receive the required hands on work between each course. Even if you are not attending the classes being offered later this month, come join us for a chance to understand this work more deeply and connect with fellow practitioners.
Tuesday 6/10/2025
Saturday 6/21/2025
Tuesday 6/10/2025
Saturday 6/21/2025
CranioSacral Ozarks retreat!
This month we will be venturing out to join Darin and Bailey Puppel at Infinite Touch to join them for their all day study group! Darin is an instructor of CST1 and SER2 for the Upledger Institute and Bailey is a Teaching Assistant and Study group leader- they truly are a dynamic duo! They have a lovely office in the Ozarks that we have been graciously allowed to set up camp in to take a break from our daily lives and plug in deeply to the experience of nature and CST.
Friday September 19 - Sunday September 21, 2025
Friday: Leave Lawrence 2pm and set up camp on the property
Saturday: All day Study group with Darin and Bailey
Sunday: Pack up camp and head home!
Further details about food to be announced as we get closer to the event.
If you do not own camping gear, DON'T WORRY! We have extra accommodations available!
Cost for this event will be minimal and vary based on the need for accommodations and final food arrangements
registration requires a $30 deposit
Friday September 19 - Sunday September 21, 2025
Friday: Leave Lawrence 2pm and set up camp on the property
Saturday: All day Study group with Darin and Bailey
Sunday: Pack up camp and head home!
Further details about food to be announced as we get closer to the event.
If you do not own camping gear, DON'T WORRY! We have extra accommodations available!
Cost for this event will be minimal and vary based on the need for accommodations and final food arrangements
registration requires a $30 deposit
Study Groups July - December
Planning too far in advance does not allow for flexibility and flow! As we approach the second half of the year, I will update this page with dates and topics based on our interactions with each other the first half of the year. I will take in feedback and reflect on where we are as a group to plan study group offerings that really meet us all where we are at! Check back around May/June for these new postings! I am excited to see where this year will take us!