I guess the time is now...
, "I can't get in for a session for over a month?!"
It broke my heart every time I heard it.
For over the past year, this has been the case, and while it is great job security, it is not a sustainable plan. I can only get my hands on so many people. I also have the desire to be doing more professionally outside of the treatment room such as mentor other aspiring craniosacral therapists, teach ShareCare Classes and host other educational events for the community. I have a plan for bringing in more skilled craniosacral therapists to meet the need. The first phase, from now (August 2024) until the end of the year, I will be providing MulitHands sessions with a studying therapist to further train and pass along valuable insight. In this way, I can facilitate multiple therapists offering high quality CranioSacral Therapy, extending the reach of my own skilled hands. These multihands sessions will be great in helping you get connected to your potential new therapist. In this setting, you will have the opportunity to work with different therapists and experience the benefits of an extra pair of hands to simultaneously unwind your tissues, which can offer more profound effects. When the time is right, we will transition you over to one on one care with your new therapist. As I stated before, every therapist that I am bringing into the fold is coming with their own amazing talents, perspectives and skills. You can rest assured that you will be getting taken care of and that I am still in contact with these practitioners and still have a hand in your care.
To say "first phase" would imply that there are more phases or steps to this transition. I do see myself growing and putting more energy into the endeavors I feel called to outside of the treatment room, however I believe the right timing for all of this will unfold as it should, and I cannot predict what that will look like at this time. I will keep everyone informed along the way as I can't imagine going along this journey without all of you who have come along it with me this far.
It broke my heart every time I heard it.
For over the past year, this has been the case, and while it is great job security, it is not a sustainable plan. I can only get my hands on so many people. I also have the desire to be doing more professionally outside of the treatment room such as mentor other aspiring craniosacral therapists, teach ShareCare Classes and host other educational events for the community. I have a plan for bringing in more skilled craniosacral therapists to meet the need. The first phase, from now (August 2024) until the end of the year, I will be providing MulitHands sessions with a studying therapist to further train and pass along valuable insight. In this way, I can facilitate multiple therapists offering high quality CranioSacral Therapy, extending the reach of my own skilled hands. These multihands sessions will be great in helping you get connected to your potential new therapist. In this setting, you will have the opportunity to work with different therapists and experience the benefits of an extra pair of hands to simultaneously unwind your tissues, which can offer more profound effects. When the time is right, we will transition you over to one on one care with your new therapist. As I stated before, every therapist that I am bringing into the fold is coming with their own amazing talents, perspectives and skills. You can rest assured that you will be getting taken care of and that I am still in contact with these practitioners and still have a hand in your care.
To say "first phase" would imply that there are more phases or steps to this transition. I do see myself growing and putting more energy into the endeavors I feel called to outside of the treatment room, however I believe the right timing for all of this will unfold as it should, and I cannot predict what that will look like at this time. I will keep everyone informed along the way as I can't imagine going along this journey without all of you who have come along it with me this far.
Meet My new helpers!
Kelli will be helping me out by answering my phones and responding to my messages. She started out as a client, but has quickly grown into a studying practitioner who is showing some really great potential! Kelli developed a passion for learning CST after experiencing first hand the dramatic benefits of the work. While studying and mentoring with me, she will ensure your messages are heard and tended to in a timely manner, something I have greatly lapsed on in the past. You may not only get to talk to her on the phone or through text, you may also have the pleasure of having her join us in a session for further learning.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Jen for almost 20 years now!! We both got our start in the bodywork world at the same physical therapy office here in Lawrence. We were so pleased to have our paths cross again when she began studying CranioSacral therapy and reached out to receive from me and learn more. She has great intuition, body wisdom and experience practicing myofascial release, SMRT (spontaneous muscle release technique) and therapeutic massage. Jen has a thriving bodywork practice of her own, but will be spending some office hours here in the Kinetikos building to help facilitate a smooth transition for some of you as well as step more deeply into the practice of CST! I am excited she will be on site as I will still be close and can help keep an eye on your care. You are in really great hands with Jen.